Run #1100 - Bye Neon... See You Next Week!
And Janice is finally Overdue - Thank God!

April 14, 2003

Hares: Neon Stripper, Hardly, Knobslinger, Tiny Bubbles & Twisted Sister
Where: Rosemont Community Hall, 2807-10 Street NW (behind Recycling Depot in Confederation Park)
Attendance: 58

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On Tuesday morning Knobby and I drove to work. And to pass the time in our long commute Knobby read the hash sheet from the previous night while I drove. While I'm listening to Lumberjack's comment on the state of the Hash I realized - damn I was supposed to scribe last night. So, of course I have no notes, but hey that's probably for the best.

I drove into the parking lot and, like all other weeks in the past month or so, I found everyone gathered around the new Suburu purchase of the week. This week Kawky Whoreurrrrr was the one to show off the new wheels - making Bobbin's car (one week old) and Hottie's car (one month old) look a little on the used side. I think these hashers should be made to start drinking out of their new cars!

At 7pm hash time (whatever that was) we circled up. This was Neon Stripper's very special run. He was leaving the hash and we would never, ever see him again. At least not till next week. To celebrate the neon run, Neon Stripper was wearing exactly 68 different colours in his outfit - pity should have tried harder to find that one more colour. Krusty wore his neon pink track suit - darn and my Optometrist said I had just about recovered from when he wore it last year. Knobby wore his Scottish wig with the flaming red hair, and Fire in the Hole wore her own hair to honour the occasion. Specimen wore a nice white shirt which showed off her glowing tan.

We ran through Confed park, up the hill to the neighbourhood, down a hill to Confed park, up the hill to the neighbourhood, down the hill to a different park, up the hill to the neighbourhood, down the hill ... well you get the idea. And then a beer regroup! A couple of fairly new hashers, Janis and Pronater were complaining that they can't drink beer and then run. I told them you get used to it - really. But they just looked at me like I had some type of problem.

After the re-group I found myself running with Party Pumper who insisted she knew a shortcut and convinced me to follow her. Fortunately her "short cut" only added about 2 km to the run. You know I really should pay attention to that little nagging voice inside my head (yeah, yeah, who said that).

We got to the on-in which looked more like a 50's sock hop. Pizza was great. Beer had lots of head (yeah, yeah, who said that) but if you sucked it off and swallowed, it was great too. Okay the down downs. There were a lot of them and I'm probably missing half of them...

Then down-downs were over. The sad signal to the end of the night.
And the next thing you know you're driving to work at 7am in heavy traffic listening to Lumberjack's comments on the state of the hash - and really wishing you had a beer.


Left Bun

And Run 1100 according to Flirt, the other scribe:

Whine, Whine - bounce, shake, squelch, woof woof. Peeeeeeee. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, sniff, sniff JUMP! Sniff, lick, Bark Bark Bark - pull, tug......Peeeeeeee. Trot, trot, splash, pant pant - drink. Bark, woof, woof, sniff, pant, pant. Sniffffff. Lick! Peeeeeee. Tug!! Smell, trot, pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pant. Stop. Jump. Eat, Drink, Sleep.

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