On-On!PerfesserReturn toCalgary Hash House Harriers' home page


November 30, 1998

Hare: Wet Butt
Location: Friar's Pub (downtown)

I parked my car at 6:59 PM only to discover Dreary already bleating his horn, and the pack circling up. Definitely a sign that it is getting a littler colder out. (that, plus the fact that Baby is not at the run!) Whew.....I haven't seen Canadian Beaver yet. Every time she has seen me for the past month, the first words out of her mouth are "REMEMBER YOU ARE SCRIBING ON NOV. 30!!" (Now if only I had a calendar to check which Monday that is!)

Knobslinger remembered to check for New Boots, et al (guess he knew he wouldn't get a beer for this infraction again!) and then came the call for announcements.

Blah, blah, blah, Full Moon Friday, blah, blah, hash calendars $10.00 Prepaid (see Any Cockledoo or Lost It to sign up), blah, blah, Munchins Run will be on Dec. 28, COGS will have a bash sometime within the next 30 weeks (you don't say!), something about the Christmas party, blah, blah, Pay P'Tooey for Services Rendered, Ski Trip in January (darn, I'll be in Maryland soaking up 80 degree weather!), blah, blah, blah, DRINKS FRIDAY AFTER WORK AT BOTTLESCREW BILLS (every Friday), and whatever else that got mentioned.

Da hare got called into da circle, ya know, to explain da hash mark, ya know, wit Knobby joining in to translate. (since when did he become a hare for this run?? Or was he too anal to let Wet Butt hare her first run without him?? We will never know the answer). On is da H, Check, da circle wit da nose, checkmark or buttcrack, checkback da usual. Mostly on da pole, ya know, but also on da pavement. Wet Butt den proceeded to point out da first mark. We headed West down 10th Avenue towards Crowchild Trail. Towards the river and west again.

Whilst running beside the river, we happened along a cyclist with a great, big....light. However, Lumberjack mistook the bike for a train and cowered behind me. (Like I would protect him from a train. Or anything for that matter!) Shortly thereafter, my olfactory senses picked up a rather disgusting smell. Coincidence?!

Up the hill (*&^%$#@) and across the pedestrian overpass. Yet another &^%$ hill when my wondrous ears heard the marvelous call "REGROUP!!" Wow....we weren't expecting that. I can hardly wait for the beer! (Hill running makes me thirsty!!)

Talk about disappointment!!!!!!! No beer!! Nothing but a non-hash French song. At least until Dreary provided the hash lyrics for us. (I sprinted over for this?! Waaaaaah or Baaaaaaa?!)

A few people seemed to enjoy themselves at the stop, however. Pole Vault proceeded to give a playground horse a really good ride. The horse immensely enjoyed it, based upon the smile on it's face!

King Shit was seen going up and down with Lapdog. On the teeter-totter. This lasted until KS was heard to declare "My 'nads are stuck to my bottom!" (and will we notice any difference?!) Brad and Brenda were also seen enjoying the teeter-totter together.

We soon headed off down the road. Lost It was seen having difficulties determining which way to go. (Over the fence and follow the pack!) It turns out that she felt a little too ladylike at the hash and didn't want to straddle the fence. (I am not making this up!)

We also ran past the Scarborough United Church. Here's a trivia question for ya....Which hasher(s) were married at this church? The first hasher with the correct answer wins....a spin of the wheel!

Nearing the On In, and I discovered Swallow It was leading us astray....no marks, but the smell of beer was enough to get him to shortcut and head back to Friars. King Shit even followed, although it is likely because he discovered it was a Safeway bag night, the "hard" way. (Thankfully he didn't inform me whether anything turned black and fell off!)

Ice Bag was overheard whining about people shortcutting the end of the run, even though he was one of those shortcutting. (He blamed the hares, but methinks him being a sheep has nothing to do with the hares. Here's a tip for ya Ice Bag, if there are NO marks, you are NOT on!!)

Double Entry was rather depressed during the run. It seems that we didn't pass any coffee shops so he couldn't get his daily fill of latte.

Dreary was heard discussing the gloves that he lost during the COGS ride on Saturday. Apparently he wore the thumb and finger out on one of them!


Now here I sit, in Vancouver, with a dilemma on my hands. Do I go out with my friends, or do I stay in the hotel room and live up to my scribbling detail?!




Now there's a tough decision!!

Back to the bar (and straight to the Down Downs);

The hares, Wet Butt, the injured Right Bun, Canadian Beaver and Knobslinger...GREAT RUN!!

Next up : Namings!! It seems Brad and Brenda's playground enjoyment got noticed by the RA's. Henceforth Brad shall be known as "Who's on top?" "I Am!" (Brenda's new hash handle)

Twisted Sister was the newest recipient of the hash shit. She was caught FROPping for miles after the so-called regroup. (even though she was walking!)

Left Bun got called up for a sexual offense. (Alright!) Apparently Left Bun was rather odoriferous, which was noticed by many of the male hashers. (now, wait a minute....that disgusting smell on the run wasn't Left Bun!) Just then, she walked past me and I got a whiff. (Clinique Happy. Amazing how one sample can gag so many!) Bring out the gas masks next week, as Cocky Horror tries for a cologne rematch.

Swallow It was also called up for rabbitting. He was "punished" with a beer. Maybe it's time I ignore the RA's while they are speaking!

Archived - Tiny Bubbles, who is now back from Oz.....well, mostly back. It seems he had lost 15 pounds while in exile. For those who missed it......


Not Too Deep for being injured. It seems that she hurt her butt while on the previous week's run. (Here's an idea.....volunteer for the ice brigade.....it sounds like an injury that needs icing!)

White Balls was almost forgotten by the RA's. (Fukawee was eyeing the half-yard for himself!) Whiteballs did a good job downing the half-yard in one fell swoop for his 150th run, before holding his bag out for all of us to admire. (Niiiiiiiiice baaaag!)

The lovely RA, Wet One, then procured the Wheel of Death for her cohort, Fukawee. Fukawee, after getting a number of hash names wrong, and various other infractions, was made to spin the wheel. The resulting spin....scribe next week's run. (did that result surprise anyone?!)

Dreary then led all of us in a rousing rendition of the Hash Hymn. Well, almost all of us. Did anyone else notice the non-participation of BenWa Balls and Perfesser?! How SHOCKING!!

A visitor then showed up to bash for a while. It was none other than Vibrator, in Calgary for a couple of days. The RA's found some beer to down him.

Ruby Lips and Pole Vault were discussing massages. Apparently, Ruby offered to massage one foot, when Pole Vault bragged that he would decide which foot it would be. (We determined that it really meant three inches)

Dreary and Pole Vault started discussing measuring items of interest with their hands. I thought it best to leave when Pole Vault told Dreary that he had two inches on him. Otherwise, a mighty fine evening!

On On (from your faithful scribe);

Thong Queue