23 June RUN #742: Weaselhead Parking Lot

As portrayed by two students, Ryan and Tyler, in Ms. Wet One's Math 13 class.

Ryan [R]:Yah, man, you'll never guess what I did last nite.
Tyler [T]:Uh, what?
R:I went and hung out with this group called the marijuana or something.
T:Cool, that rocks!!
R:Yah, like for serious, these people are wacked.
T:Like what, man?
R:Well, like at first, we stood around in a circle and some chick who thought she is like Don Johnson or something screeches up in a Subaru!
T:That rocks, don't tell the rent-a-cop that works our school parking lot!!!!
R:Right, then yous never believe the geek in this long purple trench coat with flour in his hair, I think he's the Master Baker!!
T:Cool, food, too!!
R:Some people were introduced: Baby (archived), Mark, Sandy, Don, and Christine (new boots). The last two were late, they had a detention!
R:They then tried to call out their names in two directions and I tell ya, man, these people need some serious remedial help. Even our class can dos that!
T:Yah, we rock in the mega brains departments.
R:Here's the best part, some gag named "Drippy" (Dreary) started hugging people and then a doinker with a big dick spelled HOX and threw cocaine on the baker guy and every one seemed to understand this BS.
T:Too weird!
R:Everyone then went out on the runs. A guy named That stole a towel from a skinny dipper and a Neon Stripper kept getting his peenee wet.
T:Excellent, nudity! Sound like the second guy could use the towel.
R:Hey man, have you ever seen the movie "Dazed and Confused"? Cause I tell ya, man, that is exactly what they looked like in the swamp.
T:Wasn't Arnold in that movie!!
R:Then we went and drank beers!
T:Totally rocks!
R:Some people got to drink beers really fast, man:
  • Scubic and Knobby (hares)
  • Don and Christine (new boots)
  • Baby (archived)
  • Black Rabbit (travelling the world)
  • Lost It (losing her stuff)
  • And Again X2 (going on holidays and rabbitting)
  • Airbrakes and Floats' em (bugging the RAs)
  • Perfesser (missing the Hash after the 24 Hr Relay)
  • Lap Dog and Smirk (rabbitting)
  • *******White Balls for 100 runs ********** (maybe he can afford new shorts if he sells the mug)
T:Cool that rocks!
R:The best one was this though, three chicks did a Tri on the weekend, Wants it, Ruby Lips, and Moonshine. Some dude told me that Wants it met a 'finished' fireman who won the over 80 category! He came at Ruby's BBQ.
T:What did they roast, bavarian smokies!!?? Ha Ha
R: Ya but like that's not all, this Ruby chick claims he slept with all 3 of them on the couch and she couldn't run cause her knees were sore!
T:Excellent, hummers!!!
R:The last thing that happened was some prick called TPL started screaming "Smirk keeps grabbing my tits and Wet One is poking me in the butt!"
T:Cool, a threesome!!

Ryan and Tyler
via Wet One

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