Pre #750 Pub Crawl

Downtown Calgary
August 8, 1997

Hashers of all Colours wait to Crawl

7:15ish. Full-circle rainbow coloured hashers included both locals and out-of-towners from Montana, California and Ohio.

Warming up with Dreary and Father Abraham

Dreary warmed everyone up with father Abraham while ACD dashed off to pre-order the beer. The colourfully rowdy crowd yodled through City hall, the Plus 15, CPO, and the shiggy at Olympic plaza, while ACD desperately to convince the Plaza Regis staff that hashers were on their way. Beer was flowing as the FROPs arrived.

Civilized Shiggy at Olympic Plaza

Dutifully ACD ran off to the next watering hole (Legion on 8th Ave) to pre-order the beer. She sucked back a couple of wet ones (beer, you idiots) while the crowd toured Stephen Avenue Mall, Eaton Centre, 7th Avenue, etc. At this point down downs were administered to ACD and dreary who linked arms in true hare style and quaffed without a drop spilled.

Finished in Olympic Plaza
(but there's More Water Ahead!)

Onward Ho! to the Lord Nelson by way of the water park on 8th and 8th. Songs were muttered for the benefit of the waitresses and staff of the Nellie. At this point an insurrection occurred. the pub crawl was abandoned as everyone mutinied back to the Legion. It was here that we serenaded then down downed the barkeep, Ras.

Trolling for Beers on Stephen Avenue
(note the clever trail markings)

Hours later we hopped the C-train and descended on the St. Louis. The band was terrible but danceable and the beer was cheap. We harrased the esteemed patrons into giving us use of one corner of the bar then we partied hardy. First Nations Delegates introduced themselves on their way to the washroom. A Jeff Beck-wannabe displayed his prowess on an inflatable red guitar then started beating ACD with it. She stood on a chair and enjoyed the abuse. When he had tired of beating her, he started makingh eyes at Kaptan Von Krapp who bacame very excited at the prospect of fondling a red inflatable guitar.

One thing led to another and the staff finally kicked everyone out at 1am.

One Thing Leads to Another
Dr. Mikey from LA Scratches an Itch

On On,

Pub Crawl #750 Hangover Who Came?

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