CHHH Management Meeting
Bottlescrew Bills
Wednesday, February 6, 2002 @ 7:00pm

Present: Choir Boy, King Shit, Smirk, Whale Wanker, Right Bun, Hottie, Mydol, Pullit, Horse With No Name, Shooting Blanks, My Little Pony, ACD, TNT.

Missing: Dreary (Need answers to tax problems)

Notes taken by: TNT

Choir Boy chaired the meeting and called to order at 7:05 pm

Minutes read and accepted by TNT

Complaint: Length of runs in the winter

Lakey has brought up the length of runs in the winter due a very long run in cold weather that was set by New Boots.  It was observed that it was a beautiful day when the run was set and that the weather changed. It was also mentioned that there are always shortcuts that can be taken.

Suggestions were asked for by Choir Boy. Suggestions:

Motion by Choir Boy: Guidelines for setting runs that is on the website to be attached to the Hash Sheet. Right Bun seconded. Passed. Right Bun to email Shooting Blanks the necessary info for the Hash Sheet.

Beer Loot

Right Bun stated that it is difficult for thr RA's with the present way of buying beer (which is everyone to buy their own) They have to line up to get beer for down downs and it makes it late getting started. They sometimes forget to preorder. It's more convent for the bar and for the RA's to have beer loot . Pullit mentioned that the bar wasn't tipped properly at the last run which is bad for the group. She asked for money to give to the bar. There is confusion about tipping. King Shit mentioned that beer loot is voluntary and that you are free to order what you want. He also said that it was faster as the beer was waiting when we returned from a run and it saved time. The bar also has to have extra staff on duty. With Beer Loot we pass our own beer so therefore get a better discount. Choir Boy suggested to give 1/2 glass until everyone is served. A request was made for a beer looter person to help the RA's out. Two beer looters to handle situation. Beer is more expensive than it used to be so RB suggested that we keep beer loot at $5.00 and ration accordingly. We could also ask for extra cash to buy another jug when we have run out. Pullit wanted to know if the Hash could subsidize? King Shit informed us that Calgary HHH was the only club that keeps Beer Loot separate from Hash Cash. It's fair to the non drinkers or to those who want to have a different drink. It was also brought up that certain pubs give good beer prices and that a list of those pubs be supplied to the hares. Also, suggest negotiation practices to be used when dealing with the pubs.  Eg. the number of runners and dollar amount that will be spent on a Mon. night when the pub is normally quiet.  It is $300.00 up guaranteed.   We are also non smokers. Pullit brought up the legal responsibility of intoxication. It is usually the pubs responsibility to cut off a patron when they are showing signs of intoxication. Waivers were discussed but think that they only apply to the injuries during the run. It is Hash policy to pay for cab fare home when a Hasher is unable to drive. That could be announced. Also, beer looters could be reminded not to serve people who show sighs of intoxication. Choir Boy could be asked to deal with the person or persons in question. Mydol mentioned that it would be hard to get drunk on $5.00 worth of beer. It was motioned by Whale Wanker and Choir Boy to return to $5.00 beer loot. King Shit seconded the motion. Passed.


Whale Wanker thinks that the Hash could have fun with it. He will get a price for further discussion.

Down Downs

Right Bun asked: Who thinks the down downs are too long? It usually takes 20 minutes after getting back to get started. Beer Loot would help speed up the process. Also it would help if people keep quiet during the down downs. It was suggested to put them on their knees to keep them quiet by Whale Wanker.

Stampede Run

King Shit wants a hare and date to be set. Out of towners want to know early so that they can make their pans. Right Bun suggested a Turner Valley venue. It is a nice place with a baseball diamond. She also volunteered to Hare that location. Proffesser has volunteered his place again. Whale Wanker mentioned that the grill is located close to Prof. place and has to be picked up and returned. Would Prof be upset if it wasn't at his place? Answer: " probably not but he enjoys hosting the event." It was also suggested that we might have our own BBQ by that time. King Shit  motioned that Sat. July 13 be set for the Stampede Hash. (King Shits birthday) Choir Boy seconded it. Whale Wanker wants a volunteer to cook the pig. He will give directions on the process. The Hares are to decide on the location.

Hash News

Shooting Blanks wants to know if it would be better to have the Newsletter on the website and keep the printed sheets to a minimum? Whale Wanker thinks that it's entertaining to read it after the run. It wouldn't be as much fun as group sharing the jokes etc. Visitors like it and it can be passed on to others. He is currently printing about 40 newsletters.

New Business

Pullit suggested a hare clinic. Virgins could learn how to set runs. New boots are to be pared with older Hashers. It could be an educational event. It could help keep new ideas and enthusiasm flowing. A lot of time new boots are willing if they have someone to help them. It was suggested that the new boots be taken to the bar for the beer negotiations as well. 40 min is approx. the right time for a run which means 1 hour 10 min. to set the run. We also don't have to start out of the bar. It could take place in a certain place and go to the designated bar afterwards. That is usually a summertime strategy. We could have a educational run every two months or so to teach virgins how to hare. Ask for the New Boots to volunteer to tag along on setting a run.

Christmas Party

Mydol brought up that the Christmas party has to be booked now. He suggests Fri. Dec. 13 or Sat. Dec. 14 at the Danish Club. Minimum of 50 people to attend. It has worked well at that location for the last couple of years. Fri. has also worked well as people have other parties to go to. Dec. 20 or 21 is getting too close to Christmas. ACD moved the set the date for the Christmas party on Dec. 13. Mydol seconded. Passed. Mydol will make the deposit tomorrow.

Phone List

Mydol asked for a phone list . It has been distributed to mismanagement only. It was distributed to the Hash in general in the past and was abused so it is restricted to Mismanagement only.


Hottie wants to buy new t-shirts. We are out of t-shirts at the moment. Whale Wanker wants new boots to be approached. Pullit wants baby t's and tank tops that are made for women. Sports bras and shorts were suggested. Right Bun suggested we give Hottie permission to buy new t-shirts.  Choir Boy sugested to make it a generic t-shirt. The Stamped Hash will probably have Chefs Hats for trash. It was also suggested that the beer companies give free t-shirts and we could embroider HHH on them to keep the cost down. Right Bun: "Do we need to advertise or make an announcement about buying the left over hats etc". Whale Wanker says to "sit on the face of people until they buy."

Charity Case

TNT reported that their will be a Full Moon Run on Thur. May 23, a run and silent auction on Fri. May 24, car rally and BBQ on Sat. May 25 and Cogs on Sun. May 26 as per your request. Full Moon and Cogs Mismanagement has been approached and agreed to donate a portion of funds to The Cancer Society. Kawky has begun setting the car rally route. A number of items have been volunteered to date but need more in that area. We're working on it. All proceeds to go to The Cancer Society as requested by the survey.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm by Hash Master Choir Boy