by Nipple Detector

Heard and Recorded above Butthound's Snoring

May 4/99


Lumberjacker, Stringa, Big Shit, Knobringer, Cocky Puller, Blueballed, Cdn Beav-wacker, Nipple, Butthound, Left Burn, ACD, Laphound, Mydoll, Right Burn

  1. Retro Run; June 4th at Embassy

  2. 24Hr Relay registration; $125 donation from the club

  3. Laphound; wants to look into annual payment option for hash cash

  4. Dogs; no mention of

  5. 24Hr Relay; no comment, ACD, 'everything is going fine'

  6. Haberdashery; Some mugs left to be sold at keggers, $5 or at Nipple's discretion

  7. Sleeping at meetings; allowed, more beer for the rest of us. Motion to wake up Butthound, motion not passed.

  8. Mydoll; offer of $10 to pay the hash for an advert in the Hashional Enquirer; we were looking to defer costs anyhow, thanks Mydoll.

  9. Knobby's big beer plan, Bubbles to assist. All agreed that kegs were good economy.

  10. Knobby's big food plan; the group agreed that $3 for food over hash cash was a brilliant idea.

  11. The Stringe Report; Still hovering around that magic number, mega expenses concerning 400 run shoe bronzing coming up, but we'll survive!

  12. Stampede; Starts July 9th this year so our run would be on the 2nd weekend which is Saturday July 17th. Lumberjacker volunteered to look into a site location where a campout is possible.

  13. Next meeting #6; Tues June 22nd ACD's. Tentative; #7 Aug 10th, Sept and #8 Sept 14, Erections Monday Sept 20th. Update; Waiting on confirmation of a change on #6 to Wed June 23rd at Wetone/Shmirk's abode 51 Thornaby Crescent NW.

  14. Left Bun woke up to get a motion to adjourn passed after ACD complained that she still had clothes in the washer (again) and had to close up shop. The hash as usual ignored her request and hung around another half hour anyhow to finish off the beer.
Minutes from March 16, 1999 are online

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